Sunday, December 2, 2018

relationship VS technology


           As many of you have herd before relationships have taken a hard hit with technology playing such a huge role now a days, from cat fishing, to years and years of talking online and never meeting the other person in real life. It has created new ways for unfaithful people to cheat even easier. The list goes on and on, but I found an article that talks about all the affects that technology has had on relationships from the good to the bad. Because like all topics there are good and bad things that come along with this. Because technology has been great for military families, it has made it much easier for the people who have been deployed to actually be able to see their family members, and see and talk in real time with them! As well as long distance relationships in general, because they can FaceTime and talk and see each other in real time which is great but then the down falls come along with those as well. But like the article says some of the bad out way the goods here because the internet can be a dangerous place for kids or anyone for that matter, people can act like whoever they want to be, and lead people to unsafe situations very easily. That is the part that scares me, because children are getting phones at very young ages no a days and there is really nothing that you can do to protect them from these creepy online people because they can hack away the parent locks and look at anything on their phones. What do you think? Should kids be able to get phones at such young ages? Should there be more laws in place to try and stop cyber criminals? 
            Also what about families and kids at the dinner table, you see this time and time again families will be sitting at the dinner table whether it be at home or out at a restaurant they will all be on their phones not talking to one another, completely buried in their phones. This makes me so sad to see because I come from a family where we didn't get phones until high school and we certainly didn't get to use them at the table, we would get yelled at if we had our elbows on the table. It is crazy how much the family cultures have changed around here, and all over the world. 

The Effect of Technology On Relationships. (n.d.). 

1 comment:

  1. I had a phone in middle school, but it was a flip phone and I didn't get a smart phone unit after I graduated from boot camp after high school. My parents only got me a phone in the first place because they were divorced and needed a way to get a hold of me.

    Even when I graduated boot camp, I remember my dad yelling at me for taking a picture of my food at a restaurant with my phone because MY PHONE WAS OUT AT THE DINNER TABLE. My dad didn't let us do that, and still doesn't when we go visit!

    My parents never went to the strengths to add blocks to my computer when I was in school. I had a small amount of trust, but I couldn't (totally did, just hid it from them) have Facebook or any type of social media.

    I would say that there is a line of protecting your kids and relationships and I believe that is just setting healthy boundaries. For me and my boyfriend that is not having our phones out when we go out to dinner. We paid to be there, not to be on our phones.
